7 Diabetic Foot Care Tips for the Holidays

While the holidays are a joyous time, they can be tough on your feet. That’s why it’s important for everyone to pay more attention to their feet in December. But, for diabetics, the holidays can cause more than foot pain—they can cause serious complications. So, to stay safe and avoid trouble, here are seven diabetic foot care tips to get you through the holidays safely! 

Diabetic Foot Care Tips to Help You Through the Holidays

1. Focus on footgear.  

Whether it’s holiday travel or seasonal parties, this time of year makes you want to forget your sensible shoes and socks in favor of fun or more convenient options. Sadly, even wearing a flimsy pair of slides to travel by plane or adding pressure on your feet in stilettos can cause sores to develop on your feet. To stay safe, wear prescription diabetic shoes or supportive athletic shoes whenever possible. Limit time spent in less supportive options. And don’t forget your socks—choose moisture wicking pairs that won’t bunch or rub. This will help you avoid blisters that could later turn into a dangerous diabetic wound. 

2. Fly with Care.  

If you wear prescription shoes for your diabetes, speak with an airport security representative so you can keep them on at checkpoints. (Ask our podiatrist in Westfield, IN—Dr. David Sullivan—for a doctor’s note in advance of your travel plans to avoid delays or objections.) Also make sure to travel with any moisturizing creams you need during your trip (see below for more on this point) and place them in checked baggage to avoid delays or having them tossed out. 

3. Stick to Your Daily Moisturizing Routine.  

We all get a little thrown by the holiday rush. But if you have diabetes, it’s crucial to moisturize your feet daily. After all, winter air is drying. If you add in time on a plane, things get worse. Then, if you spend extra time walking, and your feet are dry? Suddenly, you could develop new calluses that can cause diabetic complications. To stay safe, bring your moisturizing cream with you wherever you spend the holidays. Place it on your nightstand where you’re sure to see it and rub generously on your feet before you go to bed. 

4. And check your feet, too. 

Before you moisturize, inspect your feet for any changes in the appearance of your skin. Don’t forget to examine the delicate skin on the bottom of your feet, using a mirror or the help of a loved one.

5. Cover those feet.  

Even if your big celebration plans only involve sitting in front of the tree and a cozy fire, never go barefoot—that’s just too dangerous if you have diabetes. Instead, follow one of our most important diabetic foot care tips and invest in hard-soled, indoor slippers. 

6. Watch your diet. 

It’s ok to indulge in a few of your favorite holiday treats, but the best way to prevent diabetic foot complications is to control your disease. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to take any prescribed medications, watch your diet and stay active, even during the holiday rush. 

7. Go in with a plan. 

Before holiday closures and travels begin, speak to your entire diabetic care team to know who you should contact if you develop complications during this busy time. And, to make sure you’re entering the holiday rush in the best position possible, reach out to our office today and request a diabetic foot exam.


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