Are Your Feet Still Cold in the Summer?


If you’ve been living with diabetes for a while, then you know that there are some surprising changes that could occur with your feet. Diabetes limits your body’s circulation of blood, so your feet, being your lowest extremity, feel the effects of this weaker circulation more than anywhere else. As a result, patients with diabetes sometimes report persistently cold feet. Here are a few ways you can avoid cold feet this summer.

Optimize Circulation

The best way to beat cold feet is to ensure as much blood as possible is flowing to your feet. Blood is naturally around 98 degrees Fahrenheit and will, therefore, warm your feet to match the rest of your body. Maximize your circulation by maintaining a healthy blood sugar. You can do this by eating foods with a low glycemic index. Other ways to optimize blood flow include:

  • Regular exercise

  • Drinking lots of water

  • Wearing support socks

Watch Out for Neuropathy

Do you ever experience a burning or tingling sensation along with your cold feet? If so, you could be experiencing peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that is especially common among diabetics because it can be caused by extended periods of high blood sugar. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy start with a pins-and-needles sensation but can lead to a complete loss of feeling your feet. This is especially dangerous, because it leaves you more vulnerable to developing wounds and sores without knowing it.

Visit Your Local Podiatrist

If cold feet are following you from season to season, then it’s time to talk your foot doctor about it. As you likely know, ignoring small problems with your diabetes is a surefire way to experience greater complications later on. If you located in Westfield, IN, or the surrounding Hamilton County area, then come see Dr. David R. Sullivan of Westfield Foot and Ankle. He can evaluate your cold feet and find a solution to keep them warm all summer long. Make an appointment online or call (317) 896-6655 today.


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