Seasons change. Your shoes should, too.

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Do you have a favorite pair of shoes? Shoes protect your feet and provide support and comfort. Over time, they begin to wear. Have you considered that your go-to pair of shoes may no longer be the best for your feet? The doctors at Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC hope you will remember to switch out your shoes when it’s time and avoid waiting until you begin to feel pain.

How will you know when it’s time to change your shoes? Look at your shoes. Listen to your feet.

Look at your shoes

When was the last time you took a close look at your shoes? Well, it’s time.

  • Check the soles of your shoes. Thinning soles are uncomfortable and unsafe.

  • If you see any holes, on the interior or exterior, this is a sign of wear.

  • Take a sniff. If your shoes have an odor, visit your podiatrist and find a new pair of shoes. Smelly shoes often mean smelly feet.

  • Place your shoes side by side. If they lean into each other, you may have developed flat feet and should visit a podiatrist.

Listen to your feet

With every step you take, you have an opportunity to receive feedback from your body. Are you listening?

  • If it is painful to put on your shoes or if you’re in pain while walking in your shoes, it’s time for a visit to your podiatrist. They can help you determine what’s causing the pain and if orthotics can help.

  • If you have diabetes, and you are experiencing any tingling or numbness in your feet, schedule an appointment. This can be an early sign of peripheral neuropathy, and we recommend speaking with someone about the right footwear to help with this permanent condition.

Dr. David Sullivan joins his team as they help patients in Westfield, IN, or the Hamilton County area. Together they can help you determine whether it’s time for a new pair of shoes and if there are any other ways to support comfort and safety for your feet. Schedule a visit today or call (317) 896-6655.


Reminder: Children’s Feet Should Not Hurt


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