Holiday Travel Must-Haves for Your Feet


Whether you’re driving, flying or riding a bus, you may be in travel mode for a few hours — or days. Thinking ahead while packing can save you time and help you better prepare for foot issues that may arise. At Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC, we are here to share a few travel must-haves for the holiday season.

Toenail clippers

This item may seem insignificant, but traveling without toenail clippers can often put you in a situation where you end up pulling off that annoying piece of toenail. Unfortunately, this can cause more damage than you think. Improperly removing nails is one of the causes of ingrown toenails. You have an ingrown toenail if the corner of the toenail grows into the skin around your toe. You will notice redness and swelling. Please note that if you have diabetes, never attempt to fix an ingrown toenail on your own.

Custom orthotics

Don’t have regrets when you’re miles away from home, and your shoes are only causing you pain. Be sure to pack your custom orthotics and wear them as your doctor recommends. Due to their custom nature, you won’t be able to pick up another pair at your local grocery store. Plan ahead and pack a custom pair of support for your trip.

Medicine and doctor’s contact information

If you’re running low on your medication, now is the time to go in for a refill. Communicate with your doctor about any upcoming travel plans, express any concerns, and listen to your doctor’s advice. Also, make sure you know the hours of your physician in case of an emergency while you’re away.

The list we provided above is just the beginning of what you may need for your holiday adventures. Speak with Dr. David Sullivan, a Certified Wound Specialist, and his team about tips and tools that can make your holiday travel more comfortable and enjoyable from head to toe. Schedule a visit with us today or call (317) 896-6655. We serve patients who live in Westfield, IN, or the Hamilton County area.


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