
One more set. One more lap. One more game.

Taking it easy on your feet and ankles is one way to avoid overuse injuries. Overdoing a workout or performing at a level that is too advanced can impact the way you feel during or after what may be a regular routine. We’re excited for your commitment to staying active and healthy, and at Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC, we’re here to make sure that your feet stay healthy, too.

Common overuse injuries include Achilles tendon injuries, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, and more. Before you take it one step too far, here are three ways to take it easy:

Play at your level

Competition is fun, but not at the expense of your health and comfort. Listen to your body and stay in line with previous workout levels or sporting activities. A new movement or pace can cause additional stress, inflammation or discomfort. If you think you’re ready to try something new, gradually add those elements to your routine to allow time for your body to respond and provide feedback.

Stretch it out

Before you make a move, warm up your body and stretch. This gives your body a chance to prepare for the next moves — on the field, in the aerobics class, or around the track. Although you may feel like you’re ready to hit the ground running, your body needs a bit more time. Take this step and enjoy your time much more.

Plan ahead

If you’ve recently been increasing your physical activity, plan ahead and schedule an appointment with a podiatrist. A podiatrist can look at your feet, ask and answer questions, and keep you updated about the health of your feet and ankles.

If you call Westfield, IN, or the Hamilton County area your home, Dr. David R. Sullivan would be happy to see you and help you create a plan to avoid overuse injuries. If you’re already feeling aches and pains, he and his team can answer your questions, too. Schedule a visit today or call (317) 896-6655.


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