Show and Tell: Foot Health for Kids


Your kids are watching what you eat, how you play your favorite sport, and even how you gently pet the family dog. It is an exciting time because your children are also watching as you participate in healthy habits, including proper foot hygiene. While some foot conditions are out of our control — like ones caused by accidents — other conditions are preventable. We’re on your team at Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC, so we’d like to share some ways to model healthy foot care for your children.

Wash, dry and moisturize your feet

Showing children how to properly wash with soapy water, dry with a clean towel, and moisturize with a lotion of choice can be the start of a healthy foot routine. Clean, dry feet prevent fungal infections. Daily washing also helps parents stay ahead of any new changes to their child’s feet.

Take your children shoe shopping

Shopping for a new pair of shoes? Bring along some extra company. Model for your child the importance of knowing the right size before trying on shoes, asking questions, and choosing shoes that are great looking and comfortable. When it’s their turn for shoe shopping, see if they can remember the steps you took before making the big purchase. Make it a family affair!

Visit a podiatrist

One of the best ways to introduce your children to the world of podiatry is by having them tag along for an appointment (when appropriate). Use this time to prepare them for a visit, sharing that a podiatrist helps people who have pain in their feet or ankles. Let them know that podiatrists can help children, too. It’s never too early to show your children that doctors are here to help.

During your next visit, please let us know if you need other suggestions for showing your children how to take care of their feet. For families in Westfield, IN, or the Hamilton County area, schedule a visit or contact us at (317) 896-6655. Make an appointment with Dr. David Sullivan, a Certified Wound Specialist.


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