Let’s Save Small Feet for National Every Kid Healthy Week

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As April ends, we mark warmer weather—and National Every Kid Healthy Week. This is the perfect time to talk about children’s foot health, since spring and summer can be a tough time on kids’ feet.  

Luckily, it’s easy to protect growing feet while they enjoy the outdoors. Want to learn how? Just keep reading for 4 ways to protect kids’ feet in the heat.

1.     Don’t forget proper shoes.

On the playground, or on any trip that requires lots of walking, forget flip -lops. These easy summer sandals offer no arch support or r protection from bumps and germs. While they may be a summer favorite, they aren’t doing your kid’s feet any favors.

A better choice for all seasons? Look for supportive athletic shoes. They’ll shield your child’s foot from injury and infection. Plus, they’ll stay in place when children run and walk. Meaning you’ll spend less time worrying about slips and trips and more time focusing on fun!

2.     Steer clear of lawn mowers.

Every year in this country, more than 600 children lose a limb (most often a foot) to a lawnmower accident. In fact, lawnmowers are the leading cause of amputation for American children under 10 years old.

To protect your children, keep them away from the yard whenever mowers are being used. And never allow a child to mow your lawn, even with supervision. Mowers are dangerous machines that simply aren’t safe for children. 

3.     Lather up.

When you enter sunscreen season, don’t forget children’s feet especially while at the pool or at the beach. Remember, the skin on kid’s feet is vulnerable to burns. So, you need to protect that skin from the sun. And applying sunscreen is the best way to do so.

4.     Stay alert for foot fungus.

Fungi and other germs can thrive on wet surfaces. Especially at public pools, where lots of feet walk every day. For that reason, kids should always wear shoes in locker rooms or at the pool. They offer the best protection against pesky plantar warts as well as Athlete’s foot. Not to mention cuts and bruises from rocks or garbage that get dropped by the side of the water.

Practicing good foot hygiene such as washing the feet daily and drying between the toes can also help prevent foot fungus along with changing socks everyday.

When to Bring Kids to the Podiatrist

Even with the greatest care, it’s not always possible to protect your kids from foot pain. So, when should you call our office? As soon as your child complains of foot pain because that’s the best way to prevent injury or serious complications.

Already hearing complaints about discomfort from your little ones? We’re here to help! Just call the office today for a quick pediatric podiatry appointment!


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