Enjoy the Great Outdoors Without Hurting Your Feet

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Did you know that June is National Great Outdoors Month? It’s true, this is our nation’s time to appreciate the beauty of nature, something we’ve all learned to celebrate even during the COVID pandemic. Some of our favorite ways to get outdoors include hiking, biking, running and swimming. But a foot injury, or even foot pain, could keep you from your favorite outdoor activities.

Want to make sure you can keep doing your favorite outdoors activity? Or do you just want to feel comfortable showing off your feet by the pool or the ocean? From preventing injuries such as ankle sprains to keeping ingrown toenails and athlete’s foot infections away, our Westfield podiatrist has the tips you need to get and keep your feet ready to take on the world!

8 Ways to Stop Outdoor Injuries

If you plan to celebrate Outdoors Month with a great hike or another outdoor activity, make sure you’ve got this checklist covered:

  • Wear supportive, well-fitted hiking boots or the athletic shoes appropriate for your outdoor activity to avoid injuries or blisters and consider moisture-wicking socks.

  • If blisters do happen, always carry bandages so you can cover sore spots early on, preventing infection.

  • Always wear shoes, especially in rocky areas or on wet surfaces like pool decks. This helps you avoid stepping on debris or picking up a fungal infection.

  • When hiking, running or cycling always choose closed-toed shoes to protect feet and ankles as well as your nails from damage.

  • Never share shoes with your hiking or other outdoor activity buddies. That’s a sure-fire way to spread infection!

  • Always put sunscreen on your legs, feet and ankles and even the soles of your feet when these areas are exposed to the sun.

  • Take it easy. As with most physical activities, it is better to start small and work your way up as you get more comfortable and confident.

  • Listen to your body and take a break if something starts hurting.

How to Get Your Feet Outdoors-Ready 

Now you know how to protect your feet once you get outside. But are you worried that your feet, nails or ankles aren’t quite ready for the great outdoors? Are you experiencing foot or ankle pain that makes it hard to stay active? Or are you dealing with ugly toenails, or painful bunions, that make you want to keep your feet covered?

Don’t worry: we’re here to help! You don’t have to let foot or ankle problems keep you from enjoying the best of summer. Instead, make an immediate appointment with Dr. David Sullivan at Westfield Foot and Ankle. From fitting you for custom hiking orthotics, to treating your hammertoes, or helping you run more efficiently, we’ve got solutions that will get you back in the great outdoors.



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