What’s Causing the Pain on the Top of My Foot?

Foot Pain at the Top of the Foot

Pain on the top of your foot can be frustrating. That's especially true since it can be hard to pinpoint the exact source of your problem. Today’s blog focuses on what could be causing pain on the top of your foot and the treatment options that are available.

Three Causes of Top of Foot Pain

1. Bone Spurs

Bone spurs in the middle of your foot could cause a bump to form on top of your foot. This would lead to pressure and pain, especially when you wear shoes. Why do you develop bone spurs? They form when you put pressure on your bones. In response, your body forms a new bone, called a bone spur.

Now, that bone pressure could come from an injury, just the way your body moves or from osteoarthritis, a type of arthritis. Either way, we can treat the bump on top of your foot with anti-inflammatories. Cortisone injections may also offer pain relief. We may need to switch up your shoe choices and add orthotics. In rare cases, you may need surgery for your bone spurs.

2. Stress Fractures

Every time you walk or run, you put pressure on your foot bones. If one bone on top of your foot sustains too much force, you may develop a hairline fracture. This is a tiny crack in your bone, also called a stress fracture. With a top of foot stress fracture, you will notice pain and swelling.

Remember: stress fractures become full bone breaks, unless you seek immediate treatment. So, if a stress fracture causes pain in the top of your foot, we have to immobilize it right away. We'll also recommend immediate rest so your body can heal. Once you've recovered, we can explore orthotics. They can give your body extra support to take pressure off your delicate foot bones.

3. Tendonitis

Your foot is full of bones. It also has many tendons that allow you to run and walk. Sometimes your body puts too much pressure on those tendons. If that happens, you may notice pain on top of your foot, in the tendons we call extensors.

These tendons help you lift and swing your foot. When you lower your foot to the ground, they go to work. Use your tendons too much, by overexercising or forgetting supportive footwear? Your tendons could become inflamed (called tendonitis.) That's when you'll notice pain, both on top of your foot and even in front of your ankle.

If tendonitis is causing foot pain, we'll start with daily icing for pain relief. Next, you may need over the counter anti-inflammatories or a cortisone injection. MLS Laser Therapy may also be an option for faster pain relief and to promote quicker healing. Finally, orthotics may help support your stride and reduce pressure to your tendons.

Treating Pain on the Top of the Foot

Before we can offer pain relief, we need to determine what's hurting the top of your foot. Make an appointment as soon as possible. We'll conduct a thorough exam to determine the cause of your pain. Once we know the reason, we'll create your customized recovery plan so you can get back to walking comfortably.


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