Trick or Treat, But Watch Your Feet


Whether you’re chaperoning your little ones around the neighborhood or attending an annual costume party, don’t forget about your feet this Halloween. The costume can be fun and flashy, but support and comfort should still be at the top of your list. Before you plan your outfit, the doctors at Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC want to remind you of the importance of your shoe choice.

Here are a few ways to avoid scary surprises the next day, including foot, ankle or heel pain.

Protect your feet

If your costume calls for bare feet or socks, just say, “no.” To avoid stepping on crunchy candy, or something slippery or sharp, always wear the proper footwear. This is very important for people who have diabetes. We recommend shoes that support your arches and leave enough wiggle room for your toes. Avoid wearing shoes with low or worn soles.

Take breaks often

We get it — the night can go quickly, so you want to visit as many houses as you can. Take breaks often to rest your feet. If you notice that you’re walking in pain, it’s time to stop. If you continue walking in discomfort the entire night, you may be in even more pain the next morning. Encourage your children to do the same.

One night isn’t worth a setback

If you’re recovering from an injury or surgery, please don’t try to squeeze your foot into an uncomfortable shoe. Rushing recovery can disrupt healing or possibly re-injure the area. If you’re still in a cast or a boot, dress it up — but listen to the doctor’s orders. If you regularly wear orthotics, try to incorporate those shoes into your costume. If you own cushions or pads, include those in your trick-or-treat kit.

If you wear the wrong shoes and feel foot, ankle or heel pain the next day, we’re always here to help. We serve patients who live in Westfield, IN, or the Hamilton County area. Dr. David Sullivan and his team can take a look at your feet and help you find a solution. Schedule a visit with us today or call (317) 896-6655.


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