New Year’s Resolution: Stronger Bones


Many of us are walking around unaware that we are at risk for a trip or a fall. Why? Well, we’re not getting enough calcium and Vitamin D, and we’re not exercising enough. There’s hope. There are a few things that you can add to your New Year’s Resolution list, and we recommend that you stay the course. If you ask the team at Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC about bone health, we’ll tell you how it impacts your chances of an injury as well as your recovery time.

Starting now, here are a few ways to strengthen your bones.

See where you stand

Have you visited a podiatrist lately? If you answered “no,” it’s time to make an appointment. A podiatrist specializes in foot and ankle health, and they can give you an update on how things are looking. If you are at risk for osteoporosis, early detection is very helpful. If you have frequent ankle sprains, this may be a sign of weak bones.

Check your plate

If you’re skipping out on high-calcium foods like milk, cheese, yogurt, beans, or even almonds, it’s time to rethink your meals. Evaluate your diet to see how you can better incorporate calcium-rich foods into your lifestyle. Calcium is an important mineral that plays a valuable role in strengthening your bones — and muscles. Also look for foods with Vitamin D or take a supplement.

Add some movement

We all can add a bit more movement into our lifestyles. Taking those exercises outside is even better, as sunlight is a terrific source of Vitamin D. Consider listening to the audio version of a book while taking a walk around the neighborhood, weight lifting, or doing exercises that make you work against gravity, like walking or dancing.

Don’t assume that you’re walking around with strong bones. Be proactive against osteoporosis and schedule a visit or call (317) 896-6655. To prevent falls, trips, and the injuries that can come along, visit with Dr. David Sullivan, a Certified Wound Specialist. If you live in Westfield, IN, or the Hamilton County area, add a podiatrist to your list of doctors.


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