How to Take Care of Your Toes in the New Year


Bend them, wiggle them, or call them your piggies. Either way, make sure to take care of your toes in the new year. They play a major supporting role in how you move around, and there are some healthy tips that you can bring into the new year to show your appreciation. Just as with any part of your body, pain is not normal. If you feel pain — even in your toes — schedule some time to visit us at Westfield Foot and Ankle, LLC.

Here are some helpful tips to follow during this new year:

Give them attention

This may be a pedicure for some, or simply a day of rest for others. We’re often moving so quickly from one responsibility to the next, we can forget about our feet. If you choose a pedicure, be sure to select a salon that has positive reviews for cleanliness. Also, if you have a cut or a wound on your feet, delay your pedicure for another time. Avoid infection by choosing wisely.

Look at them closely

Redness, swelling, itching or new changes to your toes should not go unnoticed. You may have a broken toe, the beginning stage of neuropathy, or something as simple as an ingrown toenail. We are here to answer any questions you may have, and we always encourage prompt responses to changes that you notice to your feet. If you have diabetes, you need to be even more diligent with your examination.

Offer them protection

There are many ways to protect your toes from bumps and bruises. One of the first steps is wearing socks and supportive shoes. Walking barefoot makes your feet vulnerable to injuries and infections like athlete’s foot or other fungal conditions.

Dr. David Sullivan, a Certified Wound Specialist, knows how to spot troubled toes and can help ease the pain. If you’re feeling pain, schedule a visit or call (317) 896-6655. If you live in Westfield, IN, or the Hamilton County area, we’d love to meet you.



Fitness, Fun, and Your Feet


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