This Year, Make a Resolution to Up Your Foot Care Game

A woman writing New Year's resolutions on a pad of paper

It’s almost time to ring in 2023, so you’re probably starting to think about your New Year’s resolutions. So many people want to start the new year off by taking better care of themselves. And, here in our Westfield, IN podiatry office, we want to make sure you don’t forget your feet in your resolutions.

Not sure where to begin? Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Just check out our top five tips for resolutions to pamper your feet in the new year!

5 New Year’s Resolutions that will Protect and Pamper Your Feet

  1. Just move more. Getting regular exercise can help protect your foot health in a few different ways. First, it can help you maintain a healthy weight, which can prevent many chronic foot problems.  When done in moderation, exercise can also help strengthen your feet, so they withstand the wear and tear they face each day.

  2. Give your feet daily attention. Especially in the cold, dry Indiana winters, it’s important to moisturize your feet every day, or they could be vulnerable to cracks, bleeding and infection. To prevent these painful problems, wash and dry your feet at the end of each day. Then, just before bed, apply a hydrating cream, slip on some cozy socks and let all that moisture bake into your feet.

  3. Buy some new athletic shoes. Did you know that your athletic shoes have a shelf life? That’s right: they wear out after about 400 miles of use—for the average individual, every six months or so. Been wearing your shoes for a while? Take advantage of year-end sales and buy a new pair, to prevent foot pain or sports injuries.

  4. But check your shoe size. Every time you’re ready to purchase a new pair of shoes, you need to measure your feet. Studies show that only about 38% of people in this country wear shoes that are the right width or length for their feet. And that’s a problem, since wearing the wrong shoe size can cause foot pain, bunions, hammertoes and many other problems.

  5. Stop living with the pain. Finally, if you’ve already noticed foot pain or changes to the shape or appearance of your foot, don’t sit at home, waiting for things to get better. Instead, make an immediate appointment with our office. That’s the best promise you can make to yourself. And it’s one that will help you walk comfortably through 2023 and beyond!


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